Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Transportation Finance

The feds want to impose a per-mile gas tax because they feel that they’ll get short changed because of the rise in fuel efficiency on future cars. 

The talk of a $0.10 per gallon gas tax and a $0.15 per gallon diesel fuel tax along with being indexed for inflation has been proposed to restore the Highway Trust Fund in the short term. Then the shift to a mileage based charge. 

The taxes in either form are flawed. If you read the report by the National Surface Financing Commission it outlines how the surface transportation infrastructure has not kept pace with the added vehicles on the road over the past 30+ years which none of us will argue. 

The problem lies with the fact that all government has collected taxes for this work and it wasn't allocated for what it was intended. Rather than spend the monies on the aging infrastructure when the times were good, it was squandered on bureaucracy. Now that the trust fund is hammered, they are looking to tax us some more. 

As citizens of this country we need to wake up real fast. The freewheeling of the current administration's spending is going to come to fruition very quick and the society as a whole is going to come to a grinding halt because people are not going to be able to afford to do anything. 

With all the stimulus packages and bailout the only thing that is being built is more debt. The taxing has to stop, the government needs to be leaned out and taxes need to be cut. What is it going to cost to implement and manage a GPS based system. They couldn't manage the money over the last 30 years, who believes they'll be able to figure it out now. Currently, the US government is the single largest employer in the US and while every other industry is laying off and tightening spending the Government has been on a hiring spree. 


The system needs to be fixed first.

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